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Your search for Charles L. Bennett, MD, PhD, MPP, Zaina P. Qureshi, PhD, MPH, and Oliver Sartor, MD,Charles L. Bennett, MD, PhD, MPP, Zaina P. Qureshi, PhD, MPH, and Oliver Sartor, MD matches 2 pages

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issues in oncology

Clinical Findings and Consequences of Distributing Counterfeit Drugs for Hematology and Oncology

As introduced in our report on page 1 of this issue, counterfeit pharmaceuticals are an increasingly important safety concern, and three of the most prominent drug-counterfeiting episodes in recent years have involved hematology/oncology products. Counterfeit Erythropoietin Helen B., a 61-year-old...

issues in oncology

Caveat Oncologist: Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals

In 2002, Tim F., a 17-year-old liver transplant patient, received 40,000 units of erythropoietin weekly, beginning immediately after his transplantation procedure.1 His family had purchased the product from the local CVS Pharmacy, upon his discharge from a Manhattan hospital. After each injection,...


